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//artbookscollectorsforumfreeit/?t=Artista Takehiko InouePubblicato da Shueishadata di pubblicazione aprile Lingua giapponeseISBN10Because of his intimidating looks and his reputation for being a hotheaded delinquent, Hanamichi Sakuragi has had his share of rejection from girls he confesses to After his 50th rejection turns out to like a guy from the basketball team, Hanamichi swears hatred upon the sport and its members But soon, he runs into the beautiful Haruko Akagi, who sees his tallタイトルの「plus」とは―― 主に、イラスト集第1弾以降に描かれた イラスト130点超 を収録予定。 もちろん、 全イラストが初収録!! 新たな出会いへ ついに ついに Slam Dunk 新イラスト集 Plus Slam Dunk Illustrations 2 が発売 追加情報あり 大型広告について 集英社 週刊少年ジャンプ 公式サイト イラスト slam dunk 壁紙